Gentec Walk-In Service Resumes
While we encourage customers to ship in their products for repair, we do understand that it can be more convenient to visit us in person. To protect our customers and our staff from COVID-19, Gentec has implemented the following protocols for any visitor:
  • Only visit if you are free of any COVI19 symptoms, including shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, fever (over 100.4F or 37.8C), dry cough, or loss of taste or smell
  • A mask must be worn before entering the building and remain on for your entire stay
  • Your temperature will be checked and anyone with a high temperature (over 100.4F or 37.8C) will be refused entry
  • Visitors will be asked to provide their contact information to facilitate contact tracing if needed
  • It is recommended that visitors download and enable the Health Canada COVID Alert app on their mobile device to further support contact tracing. It can be downloaded here:
Gentec Service Department’s hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During these hours, the Service Department can be reached by telephone at 905-513-7733 or by e-mail at If you have any questions or concerns prior to visiting our office, feel free to contact us at 905-513-7733.